



A small
in the East Midlands of England.
An English
from the
in England.
from the surname.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • A
    , the
    of Rutland County, Vermont;
    for English
    John Manners, 3rd Duke of Rutland.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • A
    in Illinois;
    for the
    in Vermont.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • An
    in Indiana.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • A
    in Iowa;
    for the
    in Vermont.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • An
    in Kentucky.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • A
    in Massachusetts.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • A
    in New York.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • A
    in North Dakota.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • A
    in Ohio.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • An
    in South Dakota.
  • A number of
    in the United States:
  • A
    in Wisconsin.
  • A
    of Kelowna, British Columbia;
    for early
    John "Hope" Matthew Rutland.
    in Saskatchewan.
    Sourced from
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